- Address:
- 536 Avenue of Flags
Buellton, CA 93427
- Phone:
- (805) 688-5511
- Website:
- www.reservations.com/hotel/san-marcos-motel-buellton-ca?rmcid=tophotels14&utm_source=googleads&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmpyRBhC-ARIsABs2EAqukzK2IcrnmQmmYz7SfRi-CqH0eF8oLmtrfdIZYZL-7Ky8Xdpd-DQaAofEEALw_wcB
- Connect:
San Marcos Motel
Located in Buellton California, San Marcos Motel is less than three miles to Solvang.
Our weekly and discount room prices are ideal for the traveler on a small budget. We also offer great monthly rates.